Tone Specific

1961 Virgil Arlo Black Label Strat Pickups - Best Pickups for Rory Gallagher tone

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  • 1961 Virgil Arlo Black Label Strat Pickups - Best Pickups for Rory Gallagher tone

Tone Specific

1961 Virgil Arlo Black Label Strat Pickups - Best Pickups for Rory Gallagher tone

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You Deserve The Best Tone.


    The tone from Rory Gallagher's 1961 Fender Stratocaster was legendary, and while his hand and technique played a massive role, his guitar pickups were arguably the most crucial part of his raw, expressive sound. Here’s why:

    His Pickups Defined His Signature Sound

    Rory’s iconic 1961 Fender Stratocaster had original single-coil pickups, which were critical in producing his bright, articulate, yet gritty tone. These vintage pickups had lower output and a wide dynamic range, allowing Rory to shape his sound with touch sensitivity and attack.

    Worn & Aged Pickups Changed the Tone

    Over years of heavy use, sweat, and exposure to the elements, Rory’s pickups naturally aged and degaussed, slightly lowering their output and making them warmer, more open, and incredibly dynamic. This unique wear contributed to his distinctive sound, we've emulated this wear without degrading the pickup. 

    Pickup Selection Controlled His Dynamics

    Rory constantly switched pickup positions mid-performance to control his tone:

    • Neck pickup for smooth, warm, bluesy licks.
    • Bridge pickup for biting, aggressive attack.
    • Middle pickup for balanced, chimey tones perfect for rhythm work.

    Interaction with Overdriven Amps

    His 1961 Strat’s single-coil pickups had a clear, cutting tone that worked perfectly with his cranked Vox AC30 and Tweed Bassman amps. The pickups allowed him to go from clean, glassy highs to searing, saturated blues overdrive just by varying his pick attack and volume knob.

    No Fancy Gear—Just Pure Pickup Response

    Unlike many modern guitarists who rely on pedals, Rory’s sound was largely his pickups and amp working together. His 1961 Strat pickups responded beautifully to his dynamics, proving that great pickups are the soul of a great guitar tone.

    Importance of Touch & Feel

    Rory Gallagher’s touch and feel were the biggest part of his sound, his 1961 Strat pickups were the key ingredient in delivering his raw, powerful, and unmistakable blues tone.

    Limited Edition - Get Them While You Can

    During the R&D process, the Black Label design was directly compared to the original pickups from the legendary 1961 Stratocaster. No cost was spared in making a pickup that captures the sound and feel of a 1961 Strat. The tone is spot on.

    The 1961 Virgil Arlo Black Label Strat were originally sold for $1000 per set. This set is no longer available. Please check ebay or Reverb for used sets.

    You can achieve similar results with our 1959 Blues Strat Set, which is considered by many to be the best strat pickups for Blues tone. 

    SAVE 75% or More on Demo Sets. CLICK HERE.