Hearing the Difference.
When comparing our pickup to other pickups, the great players hear the difference right away. It seems the better the player, the more excited they get after hearing our pickups in their guitar.
Mark Whitfield, the incredible Jazz Guitarist, was attending a show at the Blue Note Jazz Club in New York. He was blown away by the guitar tone he was hearing that night. After the show he approached the Guitarist and asked him how he was getting that amazing tone.
The Guitarist on stage that night was the great Leonardo Amuedo. He told Mr. Whitfield that he was playing the Tone Specific Pickups. A few days later Mr. Whitfield ordered a P.A.F. set along with another set for his Strat. Upon getting them installed he let us know how much he loved them with the following message “I love what you’ve done to my guitar!!!!”
Tone Lessons – Do it Once, Do it Right.
If you are here, chances are you are not 100% satisfied with your tone. You’ve invested much time and money finding a guitar that feels and plays good. Now you just need to get a set of Great Pickups that matches the tone you are hearing in your head.
Buying pickups is another investment of time and money, but it needs to be done. You can save yourself a lot of grief by doing it right the first time. Stop chasing the tone in your head with cheaply made mass-produced pickups. Get the right set, the first time, then move on with your musical journey.
Some players have an idea of what their guitar needs to sound it’s best, others need a little help in deciding. To help you make an informed decision we’ve posted video’s that show the different models pickups being played by the same guitarist using one amp. This will help you hear the differences between the models.
Handmade in the USA.
Our Pickups are made by hand, one at a time, right here in the U.S.A.
Our goal is to make the most Dynamic, Warm & Sweetest sounding pickups in the world. All of our pickups go through a very demanding series of tests over several weeks and in various conditions before being approved to ship.
They are all designed to work well with a variety of Amps & Effects. From Tube to SS to Digital, these pickups deliver the goods.
Now every Guitarist can experience the joy of having vintage voiced pickups tailored for their preferred tonal style without breaking the bank. Unlike the rest of the herd of boutique winders that just wrap wire around a bobbin to achieve a certain Ohm reading, we've taken painstaking path to tonal perfection. We welcome you to join us on this path. If you are thinking about Great Tele Tones………….Think Tone Specific!
Tone Specific Pickups Guitar Forum 2018 -